Friday 17 April 2015

Painting 'til we're Blue in the Face

In an effort to keep ourselves busy, and taking advantage of the extra pair of hands that arrived in the form of Ian, we have been doing some much needed renovation work in the AICT school over the Easter break. With the students and teachers away on holiday, we took the opportunity to sneak in and arrange a surprise.

The previous school painting days, while a lot of fun, focused on the outside of the school. Despite pleading, the inside of the rooms were left to their dismal, grey, unfinished interior - a disappointment to both staff and students. So when some special funding arrived from Ireland specifically for the Secondary School here, we knew exactly what we would do with it.

We arrived up to an eerily empty school with Ian and Whitney in tow and got to work. The icing on the cake came in the form of the School’s Academic Master, Mr. Kibasi who arrived unexpectedly and enthusiastically painted with us. Moses, our Bajaj driver, who had arrived simply to drop off Whitney also decided to stay and pick up a brush.

Painting in a rainstorm, with thunder so loud you can’t hear each other shout was quite a feat. The windows in our school have no glass so we had some fun trying to actually keep the paint on the walls at one stage! It also meant the Bajaj got stuck on the way home and we got soaked pushing it through the mud but all part of the fun.

The students in Form 2 ask most weeks when the inside of their room will be painted and so they’ll definitely appreciate their new, bright, clean (and blue, it's always blue!) learning environment.

Swahili word of the day: Mvua (rain – there was a lot of it!)

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