Saturday 4 April 2015

Easter Visitor

Ian has arrived. After a quick stop in Dubai, he landed in Mwanza last Friday and will be here until next Wednesday. Activities undertaken so far include swimming in Lake Victoria (just Ian, we'd rather not contract bilharzia), fixing wells, getting a bajaj stuck in the mud, arguing over whether his arms are red or brown (they're very red), eating double chips mayai, hiring an arc welder (and sending it back due to significant Health and Safety concerns) and shopping for goats.

We've been filled in on all the important recent events from Ireland including the new layout at Newlands Cross, The Rock returning to Wrestlemania, the price of a mans lycra top in Penneys, how good Taylor Swift's new album is and that being here means missing a free McDonald's breakfast in Swords - so we're well up to date.

It's great to have Ian here and that's not just because of the large case of chocolate, sausages and cheese - the main things we miss from home. We're showing him the delights of Shinyanga and we think he's enjoying it. We've a Serengeti trip in the pipeline so looking forward to that. We really appreciate the effort to make it this far and a familiar face from home is always very welcome! 

Swahili word of the day: Wageni (visitors)


  1. So its not just me thinks Taylor Swift's new album is a work of art!? Ian should be commended on his impeccable taste.

  2. Would you believe I actually told him you were the only other man I knew who was such a big fan - and I question the 'taste' of both of you!
