Saturday 16 May 2015

Time to Say Goodbye

As with all good things, our time in Shinyanga is coming an end. The work we’re involved in here is nearing completion and a few months ago Tearfund broached the idea of moving us to a different part of Tanzania to work on community development projects there.
So sometime next week we’ll be bidding a sad farewell to ‘Shy Town’ and travelling to Geita. Our new home will be in north western Tanzania, about 3 hours from Shinyanga and the same travel time from Mwanza (where the airport, delicious pizza and Indian food can be found) so we’re not going too far. Geita is smaller than Shinyanga but as the centre of a major gold mining area is busy and growing – we’ve even heard rumours of a possible swimming pool!
It took a while but we have become familiar with life here in Shinyanga – and people have become very familiar with us. We know where to get stuff, our favourite restaurants know our order and we now have a long list ‘fundis’ if anything breaks. However, we have been considering Tearfund’s request for a few weeks and with heavy hearts think that the time is right to move on.

We are moving to work with the AICT Geita Diocese. Their development team are currently trying to progress some local sanitation and hygiene initiatives, would like to introduce water filters and have received funding to install a number of wells by October. Paul is looking forward to getting stuck in!

Our time in Shinyanga has been great but a very steep learning curve. We have made good friends here and will be sad to leave a town that feels like home. The past couple of months in Buhangija have been very busy and sometimes challenging but recently have begun to feel very rewarding. We will be leaving our projects here in the capable hands of Claire and ASMK but are already planning regular visits.

Swahili word of the day: Kwaheri (goodbye)

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