Thursday 5 March 2015

Bring, Take, Donate!

Following a visit at Christmas, our mothers (Donna and Joan) decided to organise and host a fundraiser for Buhangija - the centre for children with albinism here in Shinyanga. Ably assisted by Steven, Eric and Clare, last Friday night saw the Riasc Centre in Swords besieged by happy swappers and bargain hunters.

Alice was particularly disappointed not to be able be there in person. Paul was quite glad to avoid any scenario with the potential to fill our house with junk pre-loved antiquities.

So we just wanted to say thanks. Thanks to everyone who helped to host, organise and run the event. Thanks to all who attended on the night to rummage through what we hear was a veritable treasure trove of delights. Thanks for all the money that was donated with incredible generosity - we don't have a final total but it's far more than we expected.

As we have written previously, the children in Buhangija live in terrible conditions. Every cent raised will be used to the best of our ability to improve the lives, health and prospects of children with albinism in our town.

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