Monday 9 February 2015


So, there were two puppies in school, very homeless and flea ridden and, following much persuasion from Alice, we brought them home. 

Thankfully, we instantly found a good home for puppy number 2 who is now happily moved in with Nida, a Peace Corps volunteer in the town.

Alice is very happy to have a cute ball of fur (and fleas) around the place while Paul is hoping to turn it into a loyal and ferocious addition to our security team. Surprisingly, we managed to find parasite shampoo and other medicine in Shinyanga. Alice and Nida had fun...Simba and Jolie (nothing to do with Angelina apparently) did not.

Swahili word of the day: Mbwa (dog)

P.S. To allay any fears of long term canine sustainability (particularly raised by a certain P. Heaney) we have a couple of people who are willing to take and love the dog when we leave - including our fantastic dog friendly neighbours who helped us locate dawa la mbwa!

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