Monday 24 November 2014

Comfort FM

...unique new york...the human torch was denied a bank loan...

Given 2 hours notice for our first appearance on Tanzanian radio, our Ron Burgundy inspired vocal warm up routine was in full flow as we made our way to Faraja FM studios in Shinyanga. Short notice is the order for the day here, even for a looming live radio broadcast!

The school we are working with are expanding and looking to enrol enough students to increase numbers by 50% before the start of the new academic year in January. AICT had secured some time on an evening talk show so we were brought along to add some English language glamour.

The studio was small with foam lined walls for sound proofing giving it the ambience of a padded cell. There were 7 of us in a studio designed for less which made sharing the one available mic and headphone set a tricky operation. Any noise was met with some furious hand waving from the presenter who, ever the professional, didn’t break stride as he organised his 7 guests, fielded incoming calls and texts, monitored a temperamental A/C unit and timed his jingles to perfection.

The majority of the time was spent giving an overview of the school in Swahili from the Principal and other AICT staff. During a prolonged silence, everyone turned and looked at Alice and she was beckoned to the microphone – clearly the previous Swahili has been her introduction. Feverish whispering of ‘express yourself’ and a room full of ‘thumbs up’ accompanied the commencement of Alice’s fledgling radio career.

We both spoke briefly and were very relieved when we had finished. Part of the show was for callers to comment or ask questions. One was very happy to hear English speakers on the radio – always good to get positive feedback from the masses! You can see more photos here.

It was all felt a bit surreal, especially with so little notice. Apparently the programme will be repeated during the week so any regular listeners to Faraja FM out there may still be able to catch our dulcet tones. We also appear briefly in a TV ad for the school – coming soon.

Swahilli word of the day: faraja (comfort) 

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